[Eddy-covariance CH4 flux partitioning]
This program performs a partitioning of eddy-covariance methane fluxes from a lake into diffusive and ebullitive fluxes. The program is designed to be run on a linux computer or in any linux-like environments (such as Ubuntu/Debian app on Windows 10).Please read the following paper for the theoretical background of the partitioning.
Iwata, H., Hirata, R., Takahashi, Y., Miyabara, Y., Itoh, M., and Iizuka, K., 2018. Partitioning eddy-covariance methane fluxes from a shallow lake into diffusive and ebullitive fluxes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 169, 413-428.
This program is still being developed to be performed in various environment. Please let the author know if any errors arise in running the program. Thanks!
Program author: Hiroki Iwata (hiwata@shinshu-u.ac.jp)
Download from here. --> Program code
[Pubulished papers using the partitioning technique]
- Hwang, Y., Ryu, Y., Huang, Y., Kim, J., Iwata, H., and Kang, M., 2020. Comprehensive assessments of carbon dynamics in an intermittently-irrigated rice paddy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 285-286, 107933.
- Taoka, T., Iwata, H., Hirata, R., Takahashi, Y., Miyabara, Y., and Itoh, M., 2020. Environmental controls of diffusive and ebullitive methane emissions at a sub-daily time scale in the littoral zone of a mid-latitude shallow lake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscieces 125, e2020JG005753.
- Pu, Y., Zhang, M., Jia, L., Zhang, Z., Xiao, W., Liu, S., Zhao, J., Xie, Y., and Lee, X., 2022. Methane emission of a lake aquaculture farm and its response to ecological restoration. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 330, 107883.
- Beckebanze, L., Rehder, Z., Holl, D., Wille, C., Mirbach, C., and Kutzbach, L., 2022. Ignoring carbon emissions from thermokarst ponds results in overestimation of tundra net carbon uptake. Biogeosciences 19, 1225–1244.
- Richardson, W. P., Reba, M. L., and Runkle, B. R. K., 2022. Modification of a wavelet-based method for detecting ebullitive methane fluxes in eddy-covariance observations: application at two rice fields to ecological restoration. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 184, 71-111.